Who We Are

We, the members of the Black Healers Collective, are a community of change agents working to advance the healing and wholeness of African diaspora people.  Our commitment to the well-being of black people, families and communities extends to all of humanity and life on Earth, yet is rooted in the deep and abiding love we have for ourselves and our culture.  This love, and our recognition of our profound interdependence, bind us together across diverse backgrounds, traditions and healing arts, and compel us to align our efforts to heal ourselves and serve others.  As a collective, we use the wisdom, skills and resources of our community to spread healing practices and programs both to those in our midst who are struggling to survive as well as those among us who are learning how to thrive. 

Our Background

Founded in October 2016 by Rebeccah Bennett, the BHC emerged from a conversation between two friends and from a prayer for help to the Ancestors.  In June of that year, Rebeccah and Steve Parrish talked extensively about the need to build community among Black healers and change agents given recent political upheavals and longstanding, unmet community needs.  The police killing of Philando Castile and the Dallas shooting of police officers later that summer, in July of 2016, reinforced the need to create such a community of practice among Black practitioners of the healing arts.  These killings also resulted in a cry for help to the Ancestors that Rebeccah first vocalized at a gathering of social justice activists. This prayer was shared widely with Black healers across the region in the fall of 2016 as part of an invitation to gather for collective healing and community building.  Thus began the formation of the BHC, which continues to serve the Black community with deep love and commitment today.


 Our Cry

 We call upon our Ancestors

Those who experienced all manner of death, degradation and suffering

People upon whom the sky fell

We call upon our Ancestors

Those who swung from trees

And were forced to live life on their knees

We call upon our Ancestors

Those who survived, persisted and endured

Without destroying themselves or others

May whatever it is that supported and sustained them

Come fully alive in us.